Oct 31, 2019
A daily quote to inspire the mind, gratitude to warm the soul, and guided breathing to energize the body.
Quote: "Temptations come, as a general rule, when they are sought." - Margaret Oliphant
Gratitude: Hitting the big note while you’re singing along to a song in the car.
Guided Breathing: Equal Breathing.
Oct 30, 2019
A daily quote to inspire the mind, gratitude to warm the soul, and guided breathing to energize the body.
Quote: "The mold of a man's fortune is in his own hands." - Francis Bacon
Gratitude: When visiting parents or relatives pick up the tab for dinner.
Guided Breathing: Equal Breathing.
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Oct 29, 2019
A daily quote to inspire the mind, gratitude to warm the soul, and guided breathing to energize the body.
Quote: "Let the ideas clash but not the hearts." - C. C. Metha
Gratitude: Inside jokes–the dumber, the better.
Guided Breathing: Equal Breathing.
Visit TheDailyRefresh.com to share your unique piece of gratitude...
Oct 28, 2019
A daily quote to inspire the mind, gratitude to warm the soul, and guided breathing to energize the body.
Quote: "A man may fall many times but he won't be a failure until he says someone pushed him." - Elmer G. Letterman
Gratitude: Unexpected messages from old friends on Facebook.
Guided Breathing: Equal...
Oct 27, 2019
A daily quote to inspire the mind, gratitude to warm the soul, and guided breathing to energize the body.
Quote: "The person who has nothing to brag about but their ancestors is like a potato; the best part of them is underground." - Sir Thomas Overbore
Gratitude: The Adrienne Rich poem “Power.”
Guided Breathing:...