Dec 27, 2020
A daily quote to inspire the mind, gratitude to warm the soul, and guided breathing to energize the body.
Quote: People who succeed have momentum. The more they succeed, the
more they want to succeed, and the more they find a way to succeed.
Similarly, when someone is failing, the tendency is to get on a
downward spiral that can even become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Tony Robbins
Gratitude: Franz Badenhorst Menlyn, Pretoria, South Africa, I am
genuinely grateful for you John, about a year ago I asked you for a
copy of the Freedom Journal as I have been having trouble with
paypal. You sent me a beautiful copy. Thank you so much! You have
truly earned my respect forever.
Guided Breathing: Equal Breathing.
Visit to share your unique piece of gratitude which will be featured on an upcoming episode, and make sure to watch the tutorial of how to make The Daily Refresh part of your Alexa Flash Briefings!
Call to action: If you're not listening to this on your Alexa, you
should be! Visit and click on the word Alexa in
the Nav bar for a tutorial on making The Daily Refresh one of your
Flash Briefings.